If you work for or run a veterinary clinic or animal hospital in the United States and would like to be added to our directory of recommended Vet clinics, we have a deal for you. As you can see, by clicking each state page, every animal adoption center in your state is listed in alphabetical order by city or town.
People come to us looking for new pets to adopt and what is the first thing they will need once they adopt that new pet? A new veterinarian of course. For the low price of only 99.00 down, you can have a full year's advertising in the place where people come to adopt new pets.
Once your ad is set up, your card will be billed annually a one time a year payment of 159.00 each year. That's a very small price to pay for advertising on a site where people come to specifically look for pets near you. It also helps us reach more adopters by allowing us to reinvest in ads and advertising that helps us not only drive traffic back to us to help adopt out animals, but ultimately, it helps drive traffic right back to your business as well. It's a win/win for everyone involved.
If you'd like to buy an ad, contact us on the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can. It's usually within a day or so. We'll add your ad to the site to make sure it's what you want and how you want it to look before sending your billing invoice. It's that easy. To see the ads, go to eyesofadog.com, click your state, scroll down to recommended Veterinary clinics.
Here is an example of the ads. We can also link your business website to the ad at no additional fees if you like.